all postcodes in L14 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L14 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L14 7GA 8 0 53.418699 -2.886261
L14 7LN 41 0 53.416191 -2.890016
L14 7NA 28 0 53.418043 -2.889964
L14 7NB 1 1 53.416916 -2.890377
L14 7ND 83 0 53.417012 -2.889506
L14 7NG 31 1 53.416167 -2.889624
L14 7NH 23 3 53.418258 -2.891263
L14 7NJ 35 0 53.414453 -2.881975
L14 7NL 34 0 53.413534 -2.885898
L14 7NN 28 0 53.414647 -2.882401
L14 7NP 15 0 53.414778 -2.88287
L14 7NQ 30 0 53.416167 -2.889624
L14 7NR 23 0 53.415046 -2.883161
L14 7NS 19 0 53.412878 -2.884546
L14 7NT 26 0 53.413134 -2.885273
L14 7NU 28 0 53.413283 -2.885757
L14 7NW 41 0 53.413811 -2.886084
L14 7NX 21 1 53.413627 -2.890188
L14 7NY 11 1 53.413049 -2.887934
L14 7NZ 1 1 53.41243 -2.888102